Just to let you know I read your blog. It can be frustrating when you take the time to write something out and you have no idea if it's being read.
This was a public service announcement.
A Feeble Attempt At Yet Another Blog Comeback
7 years ago
LOL! mine too???
Ashley, I don't NEED to comment on your blogs, you get so many comments already, but I do read them ;-)
I need to find that Waves stuff...I feel like the setting spray I am using is breaking my hair :-(
And I appreciate it every time you do!
I'm still here, Kim!
Thanks Kim I read yours too. :)
I'm the same I don't always comment but usually read!
Oh Kim I'm always so happy to see a comment from you! Especially since we're probably not going to VLV next year so I won't get to meet you there. :(
I've been having trouble leaving comments for a while now and I'm not sure how to fix. If I want to comment I have to sign out, then sign back in. Still sometimes it won't keep me signed in so I can't leave a comment. Its really frustrating!!! But maybe thats why people aren't commenting as much.
(If anyone knows how to fix this let me know!!!)
Untick the 'keep me signed in' box!
I read, but don't always comment. I believe we're called "lurkers." Lurk, lurk, lurk.
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