Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Round 3...Halloween night with the family and costume #3!

We have a tradition Halloween. Every year we take the kids and go to my sister's house and have pizza, then I stay at her house, in costume (I'm usually the only adult who dresses up) and pass out candy while my sister, husband and brother-in-law take the 5 kids trick or treating. Sometimes neighbors of my sister's join but it's always my job to pass out the candy. That's like leaving an alcoholic in charge of watching the whiskey...but that is for another blog. Here is Costume hillbilly!

My cute little neice
 My most promising offspring, Amanda
My nephew, as a most excellent Harry Potter
The boys are anxious to get some candy
I had to snap this cute picture of Amanda and Imaginary Husband...Frank sure didn't pollute my family's tall gene pool like he thought he would! Frank was dressed as a guy who didn't want to grease his hair for Halloween
My brother-in-law didn't go trick-or treating this year since the Giants were playing the World's Series. He was relieved that I kept my post as the candy passer outter so he didn't have to get up and miss anything. 

Hope you all had as much fun as I did this Halloween season!


Anonymous said...

Great costumes! Ha ha ha! The expression on your face! Classic


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