Thursday, September 9, 2010

I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. ...

Sorry I have not been around much. I was hit a little hard by my grandmother's death, and have been keeping busy. I had a BUSY holiday weekend which included a BBQ swim party, a surprise party, sold merchandise for Southern Culture on the Skids Tuesday night, and a record hop last night. Oh yeah, and I have a full time job and new puppy. All excuses that have kept me from writing in my blog.

I want to thank all of you who commented on my blog about my Tutu. I appreciate it.

Since it's late and I have to go to sleep, here is an interesting documentary about Vivian Leigh for your viewing pleasure. I think she was the most beautiful and tragic woman to grace the silver screen. I promise to come back with tales of my adventures and photos by this weekend.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I sold merch for Southern Comfort on the Skids this weekend too! I was selling for Sugarballs, and the drummer just asked me to sell his merch too, teaching me to use the credit machine and everything! I thought it was a lot to ask of a person you dont know. ha ha.

Kim said...

My friend Cory who owns the club they were playing at asked me to do it. They paid me, and they put on a great show. The superfans were a little scary, but it was a fun show to work.

Rachelle said...

I sooo wish I could have went but I get so tired at 10:30pm :(

Anonymous said...

I've never seen the SCOTS. Sounds like a nifty band.

You hanging in there?


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